In sport, the definition of endurance is the ability to sustain a specific repeated motion or activity. The Frontier 300 ticks the definition of endurance without a doubt. This epic adventure is 300km in distance with 4,200m elevation gain and a 50:50 road/gravel split to throw in for good measure. All in all, it's one epic weekend. As the official nutrition partner once again for the 2023 edition of the Frontier 300 we’re here to help get you clued up with everything you need to know to stoke the furnace along the ride.
Endurance events take a lot of calories and energy in different forms. Carbohydrates are the most readily available source of energy in the body. For every gram of carbohydrate equating to about 4 kcals for expenditure and the same goes for protein. Fats on the other hand contain 9 kcals for every gram. So, surely logic would suggest we should have a high fat diet to have access to the most amount of calories? In fact, a balance of carbohydrates and fats is key for fuelling exercise. While fat is more calorie dense, it takes the greatest time to break down for energy utilisation. Carbohydrates are broken down more easily, making them more available sooner and highlighting the importance of fuelling.
The notion of consuming 70-90 grams of carbohydrates per hour is typically well known throughout the endurance community but for those new to this endurance nutrition malarky, this means you should be looking to consume around 70-90 grams of carbohydrates for every hour of exercise you are enduring. To put this into context, the average banana has around 23g of carbohydrates just like one of our Organic Rawvelo Energy Gels.
As the official Frontier 300 nutrition partner, we have a range of products to choose from. All 100% plant-based, 100% organic and 100% natural. Our Organic Energy Gels contain at least 20g carbohydrates per gel and Organic Energy Bars range between 20-24g of carbohydrates, each with a range of flavours to choose from. Of course, consuming up to three gels per hour isn't unheard of in the world of endurance sport however, we would suggest one gel and one bar per hour supported by solid day-to-day foods that your stomach is used to.
Consuming normal solid food will be key to avoiding gastrointestinal issues and finding a balance between sports nutrition products and day-to-day food is important. For example, peanut butter and jam sandwiches are a great choice, hitting the calorie density thanks to the fats in the peanut butter and initial simple carbohydrates in the white bread and jam. This would cover around half of your recommended hourly calorie intake. Supporting this with Energy Bars and Energy Gels is a practical and effective way to stay on top of your calorie intake and to avoid hitting the dreaded wall!

We'll be on hand to help with this on the event itself, taking over the second feed stop on the route. This will be a place for you to take a short break and refuel, where sofa surfing is acceptable, motivational tunes will be impeccable and recycling will be collectable! On top of the standard foods and much-needed coffee, we will be handing out our 100% vegan, organic and natural Rawvelo products so don't forget to stop by and stock up.
If you’re new to Rawvelo, our Sample Box is a good place to start. With one of every product, this box gives you the full spectrum to try including our Organic Hydration Drink Mix to support fluid intake and balance in the body through electrolyte consumption.
Rawvelo is proud to support the Frontier 300 as the event's official nutrition partner.
Check out our blog with adventure cyclist Finley Newmark who shares how he has transitioned from pro racing to adventure cycling with his thoughts on how he fuels differently.
Find out more about the Frontier 300 here.