We’re getting behind UK charity Protect Our Winters (POW), an organisation helping passionate outdoor people become effective climate advocates to achieve systemic solutions to climate change.
POW does this by delivering community education and engagement programmes, providing organisational climate action support, and campaigning for systemic policy solutions.
At Rawvelo, we constantly strive to do what we can as an independent business to act responsibly towards the environment, the playground that allows us to do what we love whether that’s on a bike, on foot or generally adventuring. So when we first heard about the Send It campaign we knew pretty quickly that we wanted to get involved.
Every order this April will include a POW postcard so you can also join the campaign and send one too.

About The Send It Campaign
Send It For Climate is calling upon the entire UK outdoor community to send a postcard, either hard copy or virtually, to the government outlining the policy commitments needed to get us back on track to net zero. Why? Because despite the UK government committed to reaching net zero emissions by 2050, we’re still some way off track for that. Net zero is how we stop climate change, and the sooner we reach it, the more impacts we can avoid.
The next elected UK government must make policy commitments that get us back on track to net zero. Policy commitments start with party manifestos. Together, we have the power to influence those manifestos, so we need the entire UK outdoor community to send it for climate by sending a postcard now.
We’ve sent off our postcards and are now calling on you to join the campaign by sending one as well. All orders will include a campaign postcard this April, whilst for those who’ve already recently ordered POW has done all the hard work for us - simply click here and enter your details into the virtual postcard section of the webpage. It takes less than a minute to complete and helps us all take a small but meaningful step closer to impacting change.
What has POW included in its mini manifesto?
POW has asked that party manifestos make commitments that get us on track for net zero, including a commitment to end fossil fuel extraction; a transition to renewables; support of the grid and transport services; commitment to carbon literacy in government; and engagement with and support for the outdoor industry & community.
If you support this then join the campaign and Send It - here.